Our Year Off
Country Facts:
Type of Government
Parliamentary system
Current President is Shinzo Abe
Emperor is figure head
Current emperor is Naruhito since May of 2019 when his father abdicated.
Shintoism and Buddhism the most common about 70%
Christianity about 1-2%
Most Japanese follow both Shintoism and Buddhism
People partake in ceremonies but don’t consider themselves religious
Exchange rate while we were there 108.15Yen =$1.00USD
0.2% of the population of Japan lives under the poverty line of under $1.90 a day.
The unemployment rate is 2.90%.
Ranked as 4th in GDP
The largest industries are agriculture and fishing, manufacturing, and tourism among others.
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of speech is guaranteed by law
Internet freedom score (Most Free0)/Least Free (100)
Obstacles to access=4/25
Limits on content=8/35
Violations of users rights 13/40
Total = 25/100
Same sex marriage is legal
Anti discrimination laws in place
Adult Literacy: 99%
High School graduation/Secondary = 95%
60% go onto a postsecondary degree
Lots of plastic bags
Multiple layers of packaging
Recycling bins